The wisdom of the folk expressed through proverbs and sayings

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The wisdom of the folk expressed through proverbs and sayings

The wisdom of the folk expressed through proverbs and sayings

Год сдачи (защиты) дипломной работы: 2012 г.

Объем: 64 стр.

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Содержание дипломной:

Заданная тема1: The wisdom of the folk expressed through proverbs and sayings


Introduction 3
Chapter 1. The notion, role and types of proverbs and sayings 5
1.1 The role of proverbs throughout history 5
1.2 Proverbs and sayings definition and differentiation 10
1.3 Principles of proverbs and sayings classification 19
1.4 “General truths” in proverbs 26
Chapter 2. The semantic analysis of English proverbs and sayings 31
2.1 The content words in semantic classification 31
2.2. The semantic and evaluative analysis of English proverbs and
Sayings 32
Conclusion 59
Bibliography 62

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Even since our childhood we grow to know and appreciate the true value of proverbs and sayings as pieces of folk wisdom. We use them as we speak, as we write private letters or deliver a speech or a report in public, etc. Many of them reflect the way we think today, some became but evidences of the past centuries’ life-style. Yet we cannot deny that proverbs and sayings bring a certain share of enlightenment to us and help to enhance the mutual understanding in various ways of communications that are in store nowadays.
In studying the proverbs and sayings from another language and culture the researchers gain the highly valuable information on some peculiarities of the given language bearers’ mentality functioning. This is very important in the modern society, where successful communication seems to be the key to all possible relations and interactions.
1.3 Principles of proverbs and sayings classification
The researches in the field of paremiology and paremiography (i.e. the study of proverbs and sayings and composition of dictionaries and collections of those) have put many efforts to try and develop a system of groups and classes in which proverbs and sayings fall. While observing and analyzing various classifications we will make an endeavor to comprehend the true range of fields touched by proverbs and sayings.
Proverbs and sayings themselves are referred to the communicative type of phraseological units in the structural-semantic classification developed by A.V.Kunin (which also includes such types as nominative, nominative-communicative, interjectional and modal) .
The major point of proverbs and sayings classification is their semantic reference. Most semantic groupings are based on human character features, spheres of activity or social ties. Semantic classification is the basis of many dictionaries and collections in paremiography, though almost every author applies his/her own invented system of semantic groupings (some of which may concern family, working ethics, social life and the like). We will further explore the semantic approach of proverbs and sayings classification in the next chapter of our research paper.
English proverbs and sayings may also be classified according to their origin. Here we observe the following types:

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