The dominating role of repetition in presentation discourse based on materials from English-language commercials. Доминирующая роль повторов в презентационном дискурсе
Год сдачи (защиты) дипломной работы: 2016 г.
Объем: 77 стр.
Содержание дипломной:
Заданная тема1: The dominating role of repetition in presentation discourse based on materials from English-language commercials. Доминирующая роль повторов в презентационном дискурсе
1.1 The notion of repetition as a stylistic device 7
1.2 English-language commercials: linguistic peculiarities 14
1.3 Functions of repetition as advertising technique 21
Summary of Results 26
2.1 Repetition of morphemes in presentation discourse 28
2.2 Repetition of lexical units in presentation discourse 36
2.3 Repetition of syntactic structures in presentation discourse 43
Results and Discussion 58
Bibliography (REFERENCES) 62
Appendix 68
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In the modern world commercials play an important role in every sphere of human activities. Presentation discourse of English-language commercials is directed mostly to potential consumers, their needs and demands. It can be considered to be a result of creative activity. Commercials’ uniqueness provides great freedom in the choice of languages means. That is why the authors of commercials try to make their texts original, memorable, and interesting on the language level. One of the most important and useful strategies of commercials is repetition as a stylistic device. Almost every commercial uses different types of repetition including repetition on lexical, phonetic, syntactical language levels. Consequently, repetition plays dominating role in presentation discourse of English commercials.
The topicality of the present research consists, firstly, in the great importance of commercials in the modern world and their creative nature. Secondly, the present research is topical because the dominating role of repetition in presentation discourse of commercials is not still confirmed theoretically...
At first sight we can think that repetition is a stylistic device notable for modern written and spoken texts. But this point of view seems to be mistaken. Interest of people towards repetition dates back to the ancient times. This fact is proved by the opinion of the researcher E. Tarasheva. She believes that ancient rhetoric “starts off with a severe chastisement of repetition as a flaw in written style” [46; P. 1].
Traditionally repetition was investigated as a purely literary stylistic device and it is used with the aim to create certain effects: rhythm, euphony or syntactic cohesion. But famous researcher B. Johnston states that repetition as a stylistic device can be used in all types of discourses, not only in literature [30; P. 212].
The definition of the notion “repetition” is ambiguous in lexicographical resources. For instance, according to the Cambridge Dictionaries, the word “repetition” has two meanings:
1) the act of doing or saying something again...
The aim of the present research, which was defined as to investigate the dominating role of repetition in presentation discourse of English-language commercials, is achieved and tasks of the work are solve.
The first task of the present research was to study the notion of repetition as a stylistic device. According to the theoretical analysis of scientific literature, repetition is defined as the usage of a word (word combination, morpheme, etc.) several times in a narrow context. The aim of repetition in different contexts may vary. It can be used in order to make a text memorable or to avoid ambiguity in a text, to attract recipients or show certain rhythm. One way or another repetition is very important stylistic device especially in the sphere of advertising.
The second task of the present work was to examine linguistic peculiarities of English-language commercials. As we found out, commercials (TV advertising) can be characterized by bright and positive lexical units, frequent repetition, seriality, cliches, ellipsis and colloquial markers, specific grammatical and syntactical categories and structures...
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