Context in determining the connotational meaning of English Synonyms
Год сдачи (защиты) дипломной работы: 2011 г.
Объем: 60 стр.
Содержание дипломной:
Заданная тема1: Context in determining the connotational meaning of English Synonyms
Chapter 1.
1.1 Definintions of Synonyms………………………………………………….…6
1.2. Denotational and conotational components of English Synonyms. Contextual meaning……………………………………………………………………….…..13
1.3. Classification of synonymous…………………………………………….….24
Chapter 2.
2.1. Semantic analysis of synonymous of English adjective "important"…….…..29
2.2. Semantic analysis of synonymous of English verb "to laugh"……………….43
Выдержка из дипломной работы
As a language with a long history and considerable benefits, it is not surprising to learn the fact that there exist millions of words in English. According to several studies, English tends to have larger number of words, if not the largest, than many other languages (Crystal, 2007). Some of the words have been borrowed from other languages (Finegan, 2007). Quite a few English learners could notice that there are a number of words, known as synonyms, which share similar senses of meaning or semantic features, e.g. big and large. The concept of synonyms plays an important role in English.
The word synonym was derived from GK synonymon, of like meaning or like name “[syn-together+onyma, a name]” (WNWD, 1981: 1052). Synonym was traditionally defined as: “a word having the same meaning as another word; as one of two or more words of the same language and grammatical category having the same essential or generic meaning and differing only in connotation, application, or idiomatic use; one of two or more words having essentially identical definitions…” (The Third Webster, 1983: 1761).
Synonymy – the coincidence in the essential meanings of linguistic elements which (at the same time) usually preserve their differences in connotations and stylistic characteristics. Synonyms – two or more words belonging to the same part of speech and possessing one or more identical or nearly identical denotational meanings, interchangeable in some contexts.
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