Business in Russia and Investment opportunities
Год сдачи (защиты) дипломной работы: 2012 г.
Объем: 76 стр.
Содержание дипломной:
Заданная тема1: Business in Russia and Investment opportunities
Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
1.Developments in innovation and modernization of the economy…………........................ 9
2. Leading Industries in Russia………………………………………………………………. 13
3.RussianInvestment climate and special economic zones………………………………….. 17
4.Foreign investment law…………………………………………………………………….. 29
5. Regulation of foreign investments into the Russian economic entities of strategic importance……………………….……………………………………………………………
6.Legal structures for starting business in Russia……………….……………………………. 38
7. Investing in Russia: tax and legal issues……………………………………………………. 40
8. Business and Personal taxation…………………………………………………………….. 44
9. Financing a transaction……………………………………………………………………. 56
10. Key changes to Russian tax law in 2011……………………………….………………….. 55
11. Driving Factors for Russia-EU Business………………………………………………….. 64
Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………… 71
Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………… 73
Выдержка из дипломной работы
With the crisis now behind, investors are now coming to Russia to at the very least have a look at and access the country’s market situation, in search of new investment opportunities. A lot of companies that were actively looking for projects and sites before the crisis are now here to continue with the search.
In modern conditionsit is not possible to maintain high economicgrowthonlydue tothe favorable situationon the world markets.There is a necessity to search fornew sources of growth, among which the important role belongs to foreigninvestments. Flows of investments can providefurtherstable andlong-termeffect of increasingboth productionand consumptioneven in conditions oflowerenergy prices.In the sectorial structureof the Russian economytheleading role still belongs to theenergy and raw materialssector,fundamentalchanges has not happenedforthe last two decades.80% oftotal exportsconsist of raw materials and energy,which provides afoundation for economicgrowth andformation ofthe Russian budget.
In 2008, the world witnessed the financial crisis, considered by some to be the worst in the last 100 years. This was followed by a one year period of recovery, and in 2010, everyone spent the next 12 months taking stock of their losses and bidding their time in hope that the worst was over. At this point in time, one may not be entirely wrong in assuming that the storm is in fact over and the world is ready to move on. But the one thing, which the past years’ events have taught everyone, is that decisions need to be re-evaluated and new strategies made and this includes foreign investment.
High dividends are still high on any investor’s priority list, but now, so is sustainable investment. The World Bank forecasts in its 2011 World Bank Economic Prospects report that the Russian Federation will play a significant part in the economic prosperity of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) region and economic growth will likely stabilize at 4.2 percent in 2011. In addition, in its article “20 Tips for the 2011 Market”, published in January, 2011, The Sunday Times listed Russia as one place for investors to consider. The Russian Federation has long laid emphasis on foreign investment, and from recent events, it is becoming evident that Russia means business. Already, PepsiCo has completed its $3.8 billion acquisition of a majority stake in Russia’s largest dairy and fruit drink maker Winn Bill Dann and BP has taken a huge stake in state-controlled Rosneft, Russia’s largest oil producer.
5. Regulation of foreign investments into the Russian economic entities
of strategic importance
In the Russian Federation, the necessity to adopt a new federal law to stipulate procedures for the supervision of foreign investments in strategic industries was under discussion for a long time, as soon as understandable and clear “rules of game” were required to raise investments in these spheres. These discussions resulted in the adoption of the Federal Law “Procedures for Foreign Investments in the Economic Entities of Strategic Importance for National Defense and State Security” (hereinafter: Law No. 57-FZ), dated 29th of April, 2008, which formed the regulatory basis in this sphere. The Law superseded previous isolated industrial-specific requirements and restrictions imposed for foreign investors in relation to investing in strategic industries. Clear decision-making procedures were introduced.
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