Processes of globalization of the world economy.

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Processes of globalization of the world economy.

Processes of globalization of the world economy.

Год сдачи (защиты) дипломной работы: 2009 г.

Объем: 40 стр.

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Содержание дипломной:

Заданная тема1: Processes of globalization of the world economy.

Introduction 2
Company –production description 6
Сompany type, business basis 6
Organisation, economy and other ressources 10
Overall objectives and strategy 18
International exposures 19
Currentn international profile of the company 19
Marketing economic product classification 21
Producers criteria/consumers criteria 24
Product data ( development in sales and marketspart) 26
Markets analysis 30
PEST-Analysis 30
SWOT – analysis 33
Strategi part/Decision making part 35
Identifying final goals 35
Main strategies to reach final goals. 35
Strategies for marketing-mix – in relation to penetration. 36
Distribution strategi/operational form 37
Product strategi 37
Organization & control 41
Economic and accounting conditions & calculations. 43
Possibly Perspectivation 44
Literature 46

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